We notice these 'X-Day', 'Y-Day' and 'Z-Day' quite often these days.. Off late we've started painting the whole calendar round the year with some kind of day or the other. All this new trend started in India with the Valentines Day I guess and now the list is exhaustive..
Let me understand what's the purpose of these 'days'?
All you folks who care for the mother nature celebrate "Earth Day" on 22 April and "World Environment Day" on 5th June each year which mostly goes unnoticed, if I'm not wrong. We'd like to thank communities and individuals dedicatedly working in this direction but this is a mere drop in the ocean.. We all from every walk of the life have to come forward to really bring the change and believe me it's VERY SIMPLE.
The purpose of "Earth Day" or "Environment Day" gets fully served when:
- I don't litter on the public places (drop the wrappers, disposable plates/glasses in dustbins)
- I care for trees in my neighbourhood (pour few drops of water on them)
- I don't waste water (close running taps, water-harvesting etc.)
- I switch off the engine, if possible (use CNG, bio-diesel)
- I switch off the appliance if not needed (AC, lights etc.)
- I try to recycle waste products (newpaper, plastics etc.)
Mother Earth is crying profusely my dear friends and our small initiatives gonna make huge impact..
We'll see whole city is back clean and green in NO TIME if I start practicing the above from today.
Give it try... please?
Oshin's Oasis