It added thousand smiles to everyone's face as Sanju’s marriage got fixed on 6th of December'06. It was a long due family festival and each one of us was eagerly waiting for it. We just arrived in Bangkok as this marriage date got fixed and we were in a great dilemma whether to attend or not. Initially we were not quite hopeful and decided to stay back but ultimately god paved the way for this big and once-in-a-while family celebration.
We reached India late night on first of December and the very next day we left for Pithoragarh. Clock struck six in the evening and we were at Anand Vihar Bus Terminal, ready to takeoff for a pleasant journey through the majestic Himalays. Pithoragarh showed it's beautiful face, glossed with a bright winter sunshine and it was 11'O clock when we boarded Sanju's car, on our way to our lovely hamlet. Overall it was a very tiring yet fun-filled journey and there was a pinch of smile on our tired faces, after reaching Pithoragarh, as it was a dream come true for us othe our beloved ones as no one of us expected that we could attend this marriage. It was pleasure walking amidst the green wheat fields on our way to our village a mile away through the beatiful terrains.
In no time it was 6th of December – the much waited Sanju’s marriage day. Each one of us in the family and close relations could hardly wait for this day. All the expected family members, friends and relatives had already reached by this day.
Yesterday evening was the mehdi ceremony (applying henna on the groom's palms - of course to bride too.. but as we're from groom's camp.. :P) which showed an awesome trailer of an amazing next day celebration. Hardly anyone was spared during the dance round that followed the mehdi ritual. All the kumauni, bollywood, pop and dance numbers were played exhaustively to put on a rocking show.
As the morning sun peeped out of beautiful mountains guests started reaching the venue at Bisabajer. Celebrations were already in big swing since early morning. Most of us didn't sleep at all to avoid missing the show. For the family members the day was bit chaotic as they had to entertain the guest apart from dressing themselves up.. each one of us was running around to get something done.. everyone was running around to get catch hold of someone.. everyone was bit piled up with a bunch of activities.. still everyone was very happy as they gonna witness the tremendous celebration ahead."chholliyas" and "dholees" (traditional dancers and drummers) had already arrived and were busy with their makeup and warmup activities. Chholliyas were the biggest attraction of the day and as the years passing kumaunees are returning back to their tradition, like other indian communities, as they've realized of late that it's their cultural richness that distinguishes them from the rest of the world. Dholee played the initial ritual beat followed by the tradition prayers by the band party. Uncle Bhuwan was the first enthusiat seen dancing to the first tunes and perhaps the last one too. An awesome dance blast rocked the venue in which all the key members of the family were on the dance floor including the groom which was followed by, much in demand, "chholliya dance" on “Chhaliya Dammua” beats.
Haldi ceremony (application of turmeric paste to the groom by the family ladies) was on while the males were busy demonstrating their dancing skills, that too after a long wait. Sanju was painted in yellow, claded only in a white dhoti only till his knees. It was a huge crowd outside as most of the friends and relatives turned up this time round and it was the prime time of this traditional celebration. Dance and music was given a break as the groom gave his appearance outside fully ready to board “doli’ (kumauni palanquin). Some interesting tradition shows off here too as the family ladies carry out some rituals of worshipping the family gods/goddess while boarding doli. Dance and music goes on full swing again as the family heads finally decide to take off, on their way to bride's place, the last few moments to shake it up for the folks left behind (mostly the ladies who generally avoid joining the males on their way to bride's place but times are changing fast of late).
Few quick hours slipped off very fast we danced and walked, with a mild drizzle on, to the nearest roadhead. It wasw the final dance blast near the groom house followed by a half an hour road journey to the bride's place. "Baratees" (folks who join groom on his quest to conquer her bride of dreams!) finally settle down for a quick rest while witnessing marriage rituals at the "vivah mandap" (the sacred place with the holy fire lighted at the centre and nicely decorated sarrounding to carry out the marriage rituals as per the hindu tradition), after finishing off their late lunch. Marriage proceedings were on for quite some time at the mandap as folks, still desperate to show their last dancing skills, were motivating drummers and chholliya with currency notes and peg of whisky - real reasons to make the commercial chholliyas and dammuas to work!
Then comes the difficult time when a daughther, a sister, friend says goodbye to her beloved ones - her pieces of heart. You can count those people on fingers who left untouched in that wet atmosphere - tears flowing down the cheeks everywhere - drummers play the famous bollywood number "babul ki duayein letee jaa.."... you nasty guys. Bride's family members left in dismay.. shedding their tears at a corner... whole life of ther girl replays in front of their eyes in quick succession...
But life moves on.. the show must go on... things get better when baraat reaches grooms place.. celebration in full swing here.. someones tears bring happiness to other.. oh cruel life. A very grand welcome for the new couple.. Naveen and I demand a huge customs duty (as part of a ritual again!) as the couple enters the house for the first time.. Vineeta dances away her emotions as part of yet another ritual. All the gentlemen still pampering drummers and chholliyas to make their last hip shake happen - though things are pretty exhausted on either side - but this moment will never come again.. let's celebrate max out of it.
We bid a very emotional goodbye to our family and friends few days later and it was bit difficult to return back to day-to-day routine for quite some time. We still cherish those awesome memories and often recall those wonderful moments with the helps of videos and pics.